Normally, people don’t jump right into a lawsuit. They typically attempt to reach a settlement with the other party. When that fails, however, going to court can become a necessary step toward receiving justice.
The person who files the lawsuit is called the “plaintiff.” If you are making a claim against a negligent party, you may feel overwhelmed and unsure of what to expect.
The Civil Trial Process
- The plaintiff files a complaint with the court.
- The defendant is served with a summons.
- The defendant has the opportunity to respond to the complaint. This is where they and the plaintiff typically try to settle. When that fails, the process moves to the next step.
- Both parties exchange information and evidence. This is called “discovery.”
- The complaint goes to trial. The trial involves presenting evidence and testimony to a judge or jury.
- The court makes its decision. If the plaintiff wins, the defendant owes damages.
- Either party can appeal the decision if they feel it is unjust.
Gathering Evidence for Your Lawsuit
To build a strong case, give your attorney as much information as possible.
This includes:
- Physical evidence
- Images of physical injury
- Images of property damage
- Physical property you can take into court and submit as evidence
- Witness statements
- Documents revealing financial losses relevant to the case
- Documents detailing medical costs associated with your injury
Your attorney can help you identify key issues in the case, including any potential challenges to your evidence. Then, you can work together, developing a clear strategy for presenting your evidence in court.
Finding Witnesses to Testify on Your Behalf
Witnesses can provide key information and evidence that support your claims in court. However, you must find credible witnesses who can truly attest to the facts of the case. Accomplishing this can be a challenge.
Here are some tips for finding strong witnesses:
- Make a list of potential witnesses.
- With your attorney’s help, reach out to these people and see if they are willing to testify.
- Provide clear, detailed information about the events to which the witness is testifying.
- Make sure potential witnesses understand the implications of their testimony.
Understanding Your State’s Rules on Negligence and Damages
You must fully comprehend what constitutes negligence and how damages are calculated in your jurisdiction.
Generally, negligence refers to the failure to use reasonable care, resulting in physical injury or property damage.
Damages, on the other hand, refer to the monetary compensation the plaintiff receives because of the harm the defendant caused.
Different states have different rules on the 6damages can be awarded and how they are calculated. It is essential to have a thorough understanding of your state's rules on negligence and damages before proceeding with a lawsuit.
Working with Your Attorney to Create a Winning Case Strategy
Your attorney can provide insight into the legal system. This is information you don’t generally have when you are not a legal professional.
Together, you can review the evidence and determine the most convincing argument to present in court. Your lawyer can also prepare for potential challenges from the other side, such as counterarguments or objections to evidence.
Stay organized, and be responsive to your attorney's requests for information and documents. This will help them build a strong case and effectively present your side of the story.
Additionally, be honest and transparent with your attorney about your case, even when the facts are unfavorable. Your attorney can't effectively represent you if they don't have a complete understanding of the situation.
Don’t be afraid to ask questions and address any concerns you have throughout the process. A good attorney will provide clear and straightforward answers about what to expect during the trial. They will also prepare you for what is to come.
If you’ve been injured by someone else’s negligence, Alex Law is here to help. We will work toward a fair settlement, and, if necessary, we are willing to take the matter to court. To consult with our team, reach out to us online or call us at (602) 483-6114.